Available in English


  • OS


  • Category

    Internet and network

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    29 мая 2018

Download the application Yandex for Android, you will be surprised of its new possibilities, and as a personal assistant Alice. Many things are much easier to accomplish talking to her. Check the weather, find the nearest cafe or just talk about life. The application is not stopping the Yandex browser, and merely adds to its advanced features. Now new tabs open with lightning speed, updated search, which is even better. You can open several pages and switch between them easily. A lot of useful sections: page search, weather, top stories of the day, daily tasks, map of the city and interesting places etc. With this app you will always be in the loop, wherever you are.

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v7.50  Original

29.05.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

v7.06   Original

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  • user530876
    user530876 3 years ago
    user530876 3 years ago

    Отвратительный браузер, мой самый не любимый. Хуже интерфейса я давно не видел. Хер пойми где что находится, пока что то найдёшь, пройдёт год. Функции где то спрятаны, искать не удобно, слишком много информации кругом, это не правильно в плане интерфейса. Гугл все же в разы удобнее. Или выбирайте оперу хотя бы

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