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TV Cast for Chromecast

TV Cast for Chromecast
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    16 июля 2023

Cast for Chromecast is not just another mobile application for streaming content to the TV, it is a real tool for everyone who wants to enjoy their favorite movies, photos and videos on the big screen with the highest quality. With Cast for Chromecast, you can easily connect your phone to your TV with just a few taps, which will make your life easier and more convenient. The app has many useful features, including the ability to stream photos and videos to Chromecast TV, streaming the phone camera to the TV, mirroring the phone screen to Chromecast in real time, as well as other features that will help you easily and quickly set up your Chromecast device.

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Requirements tov1.2.8

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 21 Mb

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v1.2.8   Premium

16.07.2023 - Streamer for Chromecast

Votes: 1

v1.2.4   Premium

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