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Sleep as Android: Sleep cycle tracker, smart alarm

Sleep as Android: Sleep cycle tracker, smart alarm
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    20 августа 2019

Sleep as Android — one of the most famous apps for sleep monitoring. It has a lot of possibilities. Here is just a short list of what can do Sleep As Android:

  • sleep cycle Tracking with smart awakening uses your device or smart watches (2 week trial)
  • sleep tracker with smart watch Pebble, Android Wear and Galaxy Gear
  • Integration with Google Fit, S Health
  • Control your smart lights Philips HUE
  • Statistics sleep deficit, deep sleep and snoring
  • Ability to share in social networks
  • alarms with gradual volume up with the sounds of nature (birds, sea, storm...) and playlists
  • Lullaby with sounds of nature (whales, storm, sea, singing...) with binaural beats for rapid sleep
  • Integration with Spotify and online radio for alarms and lullabies
  • Never Wake with a Wake-up verification through a captcha (Mathematical method, the expense of the sheep, shaking the phone, A QR code or NFC tag)
  • Recording during sleep, the definition of snoring and anti-snoring
  • eliminate the confusion of sleep due to jet lag
  • Oximetry to the early detection of sleep Apnea

Even more different features are waiting for you in the app.

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v20190819 Beta  Premium. Add-on: Sleep Lullaby. Add-on: Sleep Cloud

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