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Road to Legend

Road to Legend
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    Board Games

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  • Update date

    16 мая 2016

Series desktop called Road to Legend has long been known to fans of the genre. However, the game didn't gain much popularity due to the challenging gameplay, a huge number of possible game elements, intricate plot. All of this significantly complicates the gameplay in the original paper version. But Studio developer Fantasy Flight Games released a digital version of the game, which solved most of the problems and considerably simplified the process of the game.
And so, Road to Legend is the story continuation of the series, which has undergone changes and the original gameplay. Now the main villain of the game gets their own dungeon and place from where to manage sent to earth by the avatar, the choice of which also increased. To the same now the main event will take place on the global map, and not in the dungeons like before.

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v1.0.1  Original

16.05.2016 - Changes not specified.

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