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    Board Games

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  • Update date

    28 марта 2016

Kamisado is an Android version of one of the most famous strategy Board games. The plot of the original game tells about a certain monastery located high in the mountains. The inhabitants of this refuge of love in the evening to play their favorite game, expanding patchwork blankets and spread them on the figures. In General, the Kamisado is somewhat reminiscent of chess, there are also important strategy and tactics, and the ability to think through all a few steps forward almost ensures a victory.
Gameplay is, apart from the figures around the edges of the playing field, each piece must stand on the appropriate color, the players begin to walk, each next move needs to be made a figure of that color on the field which stopped the enemy in the previous turn. The victory goes to the one who is making the move, and is on the cell of the Home range of the enemy.

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v1.0.2145  Original

28.03.2016 - Changes not specified.

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