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Goofy Monsters - Sokoban Land

Goofy Monsters - Sokoban Land
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    17 ноября 2016

Sokoban - arcade puzzle game initially introduced in paper form, even a few decades ago, and even then with the success of parabolas on the slot machines and the PC. With the advent of mobile devices Sokoban game mechanics literally got a second birth, because the touch screens as it will allow to implement all the intricacies of the gameplay. Over time, mobile game developers began to use only the very mechanics of producing projects in their own vision, a bright example of such an experiment can serve as a game called Goofy Monsters - Sokoban Land.
Goofy Monsters - Sokoban Land - arcade puzzle game in which just the same went to a mechanic Sokoban, but the creators of this project not only reworked the elements themselves, but also added a small storyline.

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v1.0.6  Original

17.11.2016 - Changes not specified.

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