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    Puzzle Games

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    08 мая 2016

Alphabear - a game that will appeal to all fans of puzzles, and not any specific direction, but the genre as a whole. Because Alphabear English for Android combines elements of three in a row, Sokoban, but the main emphasis is on the words.
Scrabble or for Russian players more familiar name "Scrabble" an extremely popular Board game in which a group of people is the words from available letters, while trying to earn as many points as possible. The popularity of Scrabble says the fact that in the world there are clubs and even the League game in "Scrabble" now imagine if more diversified gameplay, adding fun characters, a small storyline and place it all in a colorful cartoon style, here's Alphabear.

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v01.15.00  Original

8.05.2016 - Changes not specified.

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