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Episode - Choose Your Story APK [Mod Meny]

Episode - Choose Your Story APK [Mod Meny]
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  • Language

    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese

  • Update date

    19 февраля 2025

Episode - Choose Your Story APK [Mod Meny] – a game on Android where you will live the life of your heroes. In this game you will find over 50,000 fascinating stories that occurred with many heroes. Each character in this game has its own unique character, appearance and other characteristics of the given this, you choose a set for each pair. In this game you will be able to create unique stories and obtain the approval of many fans. Look for a pair for heroes, go on dates, to movies and navigate your way to glory. Join the many players of this game and create their own stories.

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Requirements tov25.93

  • OS version: Android 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 500 Mb

Download gameEpisode - Choose Your Story APK [Mod Meny] Мод v2 Premium

v25.93  Mod Menu. Мод v2

19.02.2025 - Changes not specified.

Mod menu:

- Free Premium Choices

- Passes do not decrease when spent

- Free Premium Choices for Community Stories

Mod v2:

- Install if you were banned in the first version of the mod


Votes: 1

v25.91  Mod Menu. Мод v2

v25.80  Mod Menu. Мод v2

v25.82  Mod Menu. Мод v2

FAQ: Choices Hacked APK and Mod APK

Comments to Episode - Choose Your Story APK [Mod Meny] on Android


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  • user895787
    user895787 week ago

    I really love the mod so far! But I have one problem and I'm not sure if it's because of the mod apk, but after I finish reading a few chapters of an official story, when I click to read the next chapter it makes my phone crash, and I'm unable to continue the story. So far it doesn't happen to community stories. Is there a way to fix this?

    • user895787
      user895787 week ago

      Afia_015, I usually only turn on the mod menu AFTER clicking on read the next chapter button, so maybe? But the crashing happens after certain chapters, and it's random. Some story I was able to read 9 chapters then it crashed, another story 6 chapters. I tried replaying the same story then it crashes only on chapter 2. I don't understand where the problem is.
      I'll try turning on the mod menu before reading and I'll update with the results.

    • user895787
      user895787 week ago

      Zeeewee33, So I tried reading other official and community stories and.. just like you, it got worse and now I can't read any stories starting from chapter 2. It just crashes :/

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