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Who Is The Killer (Episode II)

Who Is The Killer (Episode II)
  • OS


  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    17 августа 2016

Who Is The Killer (Episode II) - the second episode of the famous game about murder and search of criminals. Game in the style of the quest is murder, you have to find the killer. You pushes one condition - if you are going to find the culprit before the end of the day, the next morning you will receive a new body and new puzzles. The suspects of course shrink, but is lost a human life worth it?! Speak with characters, and they are all present, think and make assumptions! The game is not easy - every action is limited to a Cup of coffee and refill them only successfully played mini-games that have to do with the murder! A fascinating and unusual game!

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v3.1.2  Original

17.08.2016 - Changes not specified.

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