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Ultimate MotoCross 3

Ultimate MotoCross 3
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    05 апреля 2016

Series Ultimate MotoCross probably one of the most controversial among motorcycle simulators on mobile platforms. Good graphics is adjacent to the arcade physics, easy management with a unfinished camera, wide selection of tracks and motorcycles with a simplified system development. However, all these disadvantages are more than kompensiruet dynamic gameplay and a huge range of modes and tournaments.
And now, the Studio developer, and it is none other than Dream-Up decided to release a premium version of the third part, the game was called Ultimate MotoCross 3.
Trikvel got more game options, motorcycles, routes, modes, slightly improved graphics, but did not get rid of known problems.
Ultimate MotoCross 3 will no doubt please fans of arcade sports, but fans of simulation I'm afraid to disappoint.

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v1.0  Original

5.04.2016 - Changes not specified.

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