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  • Update date

    25 декабря 2022

Trüberbrook - Become the very American scientist Hans Tannhauser, who found himself in a parallel universe of the 60s in Western Europe. It would seem that you won the lottery and got a vacation trip to the German town of Truberbrook, but something went wrong and now the existence of a huge world depends on your decisions taken. Visit your home, on the street of the city, its surroundings and other interesting places where you can find clues to find answers to your own questions. Use the found items and move on.

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Requirements tov1.40

  • OS version: iOS 13+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1.03 Гб

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v1.40   Original

25.12.2022 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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