Available in English

The Virus: Cry for Help

The Virus: Cry for Help
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    21 сентября 2016

The Virus: Cry for Help – an interactive game for Android where you will help a young girl escape from the underworld. This game takes you into the distant future, where a dangerous virus has taken over all cities and turns people into the walking dead. In this game you will be helping a girl named Hannah, the only survivor in the city, to escape death and get out alive. All that she can to communicate with you by push notification, which will come to you on the phone or tablet in real time. Answer questions and decide the fate of the girls, even minor mistakes and incorrect answers can lead to serious consequences during the denouement of the plot. This game will please you with a great story that will keep you in suspense until the end of the game.

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v1.0  Original

21.09.2016 - Changes not specified.

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