Available in English

The game of life

The game of life
  • OS


  • Category

    Board Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    05 августа 2017

The game of life - fans of table games will appreciate this game, and for those she was just interested, will focus on the main points. So, the game is a field lined by cells moves and the drum in the middle - an analog of any Board game with dice and pawns. Krutanuv drum, you will learn how cells ahead (or backwards, depending on luck) you are on the field. The field itself represents a whole way of life of a person. So passing game, and you will fall in love and get married, have kids, take a walk at the wedding, get an education and pay taxes, fines, etc. the Game is designed for 4 players or even with friends on the same device or with a computer. The game is bright and interesting, will pass any time with fun and ease!

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v1.2.10  Original

5.08.2017 - Changes not specified.

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