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The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    22 марта 2013

The Dark Knight Rises - Batman is back...after a long rest, only the emergence of a new and terrible danger - the villain Bane forced the hero back on the path of purification from evil. The game was created based on the movie, so here you will meet almost all the actors from Catwoman to Commissioner Gordon and even Alfred the Butler. So, delay no time, so go ahead - fight with the bandits, enjoy the night city Gotham, and visual effects and graphics. And fighting not you tired, there are a couple of red herrings - mini games, finding hidden boxes, different puzzles and more...

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Requirements tov1.0.0.0

  • OS version: Windows Phone 8

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v1.0.0.0  Original

22.03.2013 - Changes not specified.

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