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Tank Riders

Tank Riders
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    21 октября 2012

Tank Riders for android - a great arcade game about beloved by many tank battles! Well, your attention and the property is presented in a tiny tank. However, its size - edinsvennaya small value. But its capabilities and maneuverability, especially in good hands - it's just something. Before you will be a company mode in which you have to pass the levels of different tasks and defeat a few thousand enemies. There's still the online mode, in which you can together with friends to go through all the same company or play against each other. In your Arsenal includes machine guns, grenade launchers, rockets and other weapons. So your combat power will give odds to any. It remains the case for small - to win by yourself or with friends-all battles! Good luck! Let the enemy smell of real gunpowder!

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v1.0.5  Original

21.10.2012 - Changes not specified.

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