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Super Samurai Rampage

Super Samurai Rampage

Super Samurai Rampage – control a courageous samurai and destroy all enemies who stood in your way. Armed with a katana, you will make your way through the crowds of enemies and your main task will be the time to strike, not giving the enemy a chance to win. The game is made in pixel art and will delight you with its detail and variety of locations. Also, the game has an interactive background so that you can destroy everything that you come across under a hand. Move through the endless levels of the game and clean the land from enemies and bandits. Fight for honor and freedom and defeat all of their opponents.

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Requirements tov1.1

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Requires free space: 181.88 Mb
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch

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v1.1  Original

8.07.2017 - Changes not specified.

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