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    02 июня 2015

Standpoint - spatial puzzle platformer with a first person and a strong emotional tone. Action games begin to unfold once woke up in the middle of a huge three-dimensional maze, every corridor which is full of traps, and the room is a complex puzzle. Starting to move through the corridors of the mysterious building you suddenly realize that can change the orientation of the space, and in addition it can manipulate objects at a distance. All of these abilities will aid you in the study of the maze and the solution is not a dozen puzzles. But as already mentioned Standpoint is a atmospheric adventure with an emotional bias, each room is a physical reflection of grief and to solve the problem requires its own unique approach.
Unique visual performance and original soundtrack create a unique atmosphere of the game, plunged in which you will not be able to long delay Standpoint .

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Requirements tov1.6

  • OS version: Android 2.3+
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 456 Mb

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v1.6  Original

2.06.2015 - Changes not specified.

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