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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    23 апреля 2021

Sixit - You are an unusual animal on the planet, because of some circumstances, which will have to find out all its capabilities. Save your friends by solving complex puzzles and putting the pieces of the puzzle into one whole image. What or who is behind the mysterious disappearance of your friends? Find out for yourself, having received all the necessary trophies to find out the main secret. Save the village from the storm, make new acquaintances along the way, think about the location of the correct order of actions and carefully examine the clues along the way.

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Requirements tov2-2104-2500

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 45 Mb

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v2-2104-2500  Mod: No Ads

23.04.2021 - Changes not specified.

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