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Shakey's Escape

Shakey's Escape
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    06 марта 2018

Shakey's Escape - interactive quest the story which tells us about the poor cat, the evil mistress who simply threw him out the door and now our hapless hero is forced to wander the streets in search of a new home.
Game mechanics Shakey's Escape deserves a separate description, because the developers have created a kind of mix between interactive story quest and physical puzzle. Traveling around the city together with our hero you have to perform various missions, solve riddles, communicate with many different characters, both positive and not very welcoming and in the end, still find refuge. It is also worth noting the excellent graphics solution.

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v1.4.2  Original

6.03.2018 - Changes not specified.

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v1.3  Original

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