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Scan - QR and Barcode Reader

Scan - QR and Barcode Reader
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    18 марта 2016

Scan - QR and Barcode Reader - every day We meet different barcodes, or QR codes, on the streets, on the packaging of products, and in many other places. But nobody knows what that means or what it says. So these people invented this app. This is a QR reader, and it was created in order to read the codes. For example, scan the barcode, you will be able to find all the same products online and buy them much cheaper. This app is very simple and contains nothing superfluous, a simple and beautiful design, as well as the lack of advertising, make it one of the best in its kind. The only thing you need to work on is the camera on your device.

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v2.3  Original

18.03.2016 - Changes not specified.

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