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Rocket League Sideswipe

Rocket League Sideswipe
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    12 декабря 2021

Rocket League Sideswipe - Feel the rush of speed, dynamism, agility, and the ability to quickly apply any skills, they will definitely come in handy for you in the famous competitions! Take part in intense battles where you need to exert maximum effort. Score the ball into your opponent's goal as quickly as possible, it's the only chance for victory. Be vigilant, as your opponent will be doing the same, so you'll have to carefully control and stop them until they finish what they started. Break through and win!

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Requirements tov1.0.1

  • OS version: iOS 11+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 776 Мб

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v1.0.1   Original

12.12.2021 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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