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Resource War - space brawl rpg

Resource War - space brawl rpg
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    16 декабря 2022

Resource War - space brawl rpg - To get useful skills in outer space, you need to assemble a whole team that will go with you to the confrontation! People began to lack available resources on Earth, so after a short time they began traveling to other planets, where a new struggle for power and ownership of resources begins. There is no time to argue for a long time, because force decides everything, so you will spend the main amount of your adventure in 4-on-4 team battles. Keep an eye on the number of bullets in your weapons, your health and protection, otherwise you will die quickly.

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Requirements tov

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 25 Mb

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16.12.2022 - Changes not specified.

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