Available in English

Rescue the Enchanter

Rescue the Enchanter
  • OS


  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    21 ноября 2019

Rescue the Enchanter – puzzle game for Android where you'll explore an enchanted world. In this game your task is to find the enchantress, which for many years has been trapped in an enchanted world. Your uncle Henry for years tried unsuccessfully to find the Charmer and once you got archaeological skills offered to help him. Embark on a fantastic adventure in the enchanted world of books and search for clues left behind by your uncle. Collect the items you need, solve riddles and puzzles and find hard to reach treasures.


  • Specially designed beautiful HD graphics
  • Custom composite soundtrack and sound effects
  • Built-in hint system when you get into a dead end
  • Dynamic map to show the screens you have visited and current location
  • a Camera that takes photos of clues and symbols when you find them
  • Dozens of puzzles, clues, and items
  • Automatic save success
  • Available for phones and tablets

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