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Real Cars Online Racing

Real Cars Online Racing
  • OS


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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    15 февраля 2019

Real Cars Online Racing game will be interesting primarily to those who love Russian machines. In the game you will compete with other players, and there is a single mode, e.g., free-riding. Before the start you can choose a car. Are a wide variety of well-drawn cars and Volga GAZ 21, Volga GAZ 24, VAZ 2106, 2108, and even the Lada-Priora. The dynamics of the car is in exact accordance with the brand. Not all vehicles are immediately available, it will be necessary to acquire some experience and earn play money. There are several different modes in which it is necessary to perform different tasks: the speed for accuracy; to collect different artifacts (they will give you extra points). The screen displayed the control: the gas and brake pedals, also the e-brake for stunts. Themselves of the scenery and landscapes not so much, but it affects a variety of cars. Meet other players from different cities and countries and organize tournaments, combines races.

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15.02.2019 - Changes not specified.

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