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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    26 ноября 2019

PAC-MAN - the game was first released in 1980 in Japan at the time had committed a real revolution in the gaming industry. Later around this game formed a real movement for PAC-MAN was filmed, released a music album and many more.

Despite the fact that since the birth of PAC-MAN has been more than 30 years, which is just a huge time by the standards of igrostroya, he is still alive and continues to evolve,

Studio developer BANDAI NAMCO has released quite a few mobile versions of the cult game decided to make us his new creation called PAC-MAN.

PAC-MAN original gameplay, graphics, sound and even received not changes but rather additions, a huge number of new levels, lots of achievements and compete with your friends online.

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Requirements tov7.3.1

  • OS version: Android 4.1+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 57 Mb

Download gamePAC-MAN Мод: много жизней

v7.3.1  Мод: много жизней

26.11.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

v7.2.5  Мод: много жизней

v7.2.3  Мод: много жизней

v7.1.9  Original. Мод: много жизней

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