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Munchausen HD

Munchausen HD
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    23 апреля 2015

Munchausen HD - quest game which is set in the fairy Kingdom, and the main character will perform well-known literary character Baron Munchausen. And so, as a result of the treacherous and dastardly act the main villain has destroyed a magic crystal brought people well-being and joy. Since then, the Kingdom was plunged into darkness, and the population of the country began to pursue disease and crop failures. But once on the threshold of the castle appears and offers the king a chest of gold in exchange for the hand of the Princess. The king tired of the problems of agrees, but the Princess is his opinion. And she writes a letter to Him asking him to help her escape an unwanted engagement. From this moment you come in, you will find plenty of adventure in this exciting quest game. Gameplay combines elements of classic quests, mini-games, puzzles, not without a search items.
Munchausen HD is the game in which you will find not a few fans thanks to his versatile gameplay, great graphics, charismatic characters, and no small share of humor.

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v1.0  Original

23.04.2015 - Changes not specified.

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