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Mr Bean - Around the World

Mr Bean - Around the World
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Update date

    14 октября 2015

Mr Bean - Around the World – the official game on Android where you will help Mr. bean to escape from his housemaid. He again angered her so that she will chase him through all countries of the world. Run, jump, fly on balloons and ride on the machine in order to avoid punishment. Running away from the Housewives, don't forget to grab your Teddy bear. Travel to different countries ranging from the US to India and Australia, each country will give you new backgrounds and unique obstacles. Go to as many checkpoints and collect all the beans on the way, as well as participate in mini-games bear Teddy to unlock all the achievements and stamps to fill your passport.

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v2.6  Original

14.10.2015 - Changes not specified.

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