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Metro - the board game

Metro - the board game
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    Board Games

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  • Update date

    29 марта 2018

Metro - the board game – a Board game for Android, which will take you back in time. In this game you find yourself in Paris in 1898 where in full swing preparing for the world exhibition of 1900. In this game you will be responsible for the construction of the subway. This game can play up to seven people or test your skills and compete with AI. In this game you will be able to choose the game difficulty from simple to highly complex. Play with your friends and in a short time build metro lines under the ground, while getting all the achievements and bonuses. Try to manage deadlines and achieve incredible results in this game.

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v2.4.1  Original

29.03.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v1.1.0  Original

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