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    02 июня 2015

JUJU - Embark on a dangerous adventure with a Panda shaman Juju and his sidekick – lizard Peyo, who want to rescue his father Juju and the whole world from the ancient evil. Run, jump, cold, and battle humongous bosses with a friend for a couple. The game has great graphics and very cool animation. Not an intricate plot, will not let you get bored, and the management and implementation levels will please any player. Juju's father had performed an ancient ritual, and didn't even notice as his son, along with a friend got for him, and then accidentally stopped the ritual, and released the ancient evil, the father of Juju could pass on to son of the mask, but was captured. Embark in a dangerous adventure to defeat an ancient evil and rescue his father Juju.


  • Unique design
  • Exciting battles with monsters
  • Hidden bonuses and secrets

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v1.0  OriginalTegra K1Tegra K1

2.06.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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