Available in English

Isoland 2: Ashes of Time

Isoland 2: Ashes of Time
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    20 февраля 2019

Isoland 2: Ashes of Time – an excellent puzzle on Android where you will explore the island and look for answers to their questions. In this game you will find yourself in a two-dimensional hand-drawn world where you'll solve challenging puzzles and meet a variety of characters. How did you get on this island and what lies ahead of you you don't know and you only have to explore the island on which the plant is located, the naval station, the lighthouse and the rocket. Get tips from the locals and uncover all the secrets of this strange place.

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v1.0.35  Original. Money Mod

v1.0.31  Original. Money Mod

v1.0.29  Original

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