Iron Fist Boxing
Update date
31 октября 2018
Iron Fist Boxing - Boxing fans, blood, real fights and entertainment are very please that Boxing game on Android. Start with training or sparring, fighting with pear, Story Mode or Punch-O-Meter. Your attention to a few fighters who have their own features. Develop your fighter and slowly but surely navigate online in the standings up. Strikes in the game, moving the hands and feet, so the screen is virtually divided into 4 parts. Dodge the opponent's attacks, using the inbuilt accelerometer or click on the block.
the Upper part of the screen contains the index of your life to a knockout, and the stars, which are filled if you put one punch after the other. Then, you can use them to make combos-a series of strikes. You are also available in online mode.
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Rating of 1 users
Requirements tov5.6.1
- OS version: Android 4.1+
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