Available in English

Home Behind

Home Behind
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    23 ноября 2017

Home Behind Role-playing game that was originally released on desktop platforms and due to the gained popularity has received subsequent development under mobile devices.
so, you have to play the role of a refugee, your country engulfed in civil war and there is nothing you can do to try to get to the prosperous and liberal Europe. As to be found your path will be extremely not easy, hunger, cold, deprivation, bandits and marauders and this is not a complete list of your misadventures.
it is Worth noting and well-designed story line which is not inferior graphics performance. So if you decide to try your hand at the role of refugee you will have the opportunity to do so.

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Download gameHome Behind Мод: прокачка характеристик

v1.2.0  Original. Мод: прокачка характеристик

v1.0.5  Original

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