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Heart Box - physics puzzle

Heart Box - physics puzzle
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    05 декабря 2018

Heart Box is a physics puzzle - fascinating physical puzzle game the main hero of which was a small robot, nicknamed Robbie. The Creator of Robbie, who is none other than the famous Professor of Rats in order to gain control over his invention has given him a very small battery from the robot has to look for sources of recharge.
Your task in each level to try to help Robbie get to the goal, with a robot to move alone can not, and you will have to use the energy located in various locations of the mechanisms of items.
In Heart Box - physics puzzle realistic physics, great graphics, detailed levels with a variety of puzzles and brainteasers.

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v0.2.20  Original

5.12.2018 - Changes not specified.

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v0.2.0  Unlocked

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