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Grand Mountain Adventure+

Grand Mountain Adventure+
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  • Update date

    05 ноября 2023

Grand Mountain Adventure+ - Embark on a skiing and snowboarding adventure to explore the vast open mountains and ski resorts in detail! You are given complete freedom of movement, so land on the biggest cliff, ride on steep chutes, pass slalom tracks, jump to great heights and enjoy the real fresh air. First, visit the Hirschalm resort in the center of the Alps to learn basic tricks, and then in Almhutte start competing for the status of the best player. In the process, it will be necessary to solve many tasks: slopestyle, slalom, ski cross, and so on.

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Requirements tov1.226

  • OS version: iOS 13+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 869.6 Мб

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v1.226  Original

5.11.2023 - Changes not specified.

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v1.219  Original

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