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Galaxy Raiders Arcade

Galaxy Raiders Arcade
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  • Update date

    25 февраля 2024

Galaxy Raiders Arcade is an unusual arcade game with vertical scrolling and action elements in the gameplay. You are given a choice of a dozen heroes, the ability to customize each of them in detail in terms of quality, characteristics, and the weapons they use, and much more. Completing each of them will not only bring you something new and interesting, but also a lot of satisfaction from defeating them. Pleasant graphics, amusing character and enemy designs, challenging situations at times, and many other things will appeal to fans of good old-fashioned entertainment.

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Requirements tov2.0.0

  • OS version: Android 7.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 142 Mb

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v2.0.0  Original

25.02.2024 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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