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Flight of the Amazon Queen

Flight of the Amazon Queen
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    04 апреля 2016

The events of the classic quest called Flight of the Amazon Queen developed in 1949, you will play as a pilot of the aircraft, hired well-known by the operator to travel in the Amazon jungle. However, as usual things did not go according to plan, the result of a succession of confusing events, our heroes find themselves in a difficult situation. Fay was lost in the dense forests of the Amazon, and you also had to find a kidnapped Princess. During the search, you are confronted with the bloodthirsty local tribe, and in the final and even a mad scientist trying to conquer the world.
Flight of the Amazon Queen - the game is made according to all the classical canons, hundreds of mysterious locations, characters and dialogues, hundreds of puzzles and mini-games an original graphic solution.

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Requirements tov1.0

  • OS version: Android 3.0+
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 300 Mb

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v1.0  Original

4.04.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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