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Flashcards Deluxe

Flashcards Deluxe
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    11 ноября 2015

Creating cards is a time — tested way of remembering information. During the high-tech gadgets, of course, you are not forced to create their handles, because you can use the corresponding app. Flashcards Deluxe is perfect for this purpose, because it is not imprisoned under any one goal, but flexible to the needs of the user, for example, in addition to words, flashcards can include images and sounds. In addition, all cards can be divided into categories. And as a nice bonus, there are several themes.

Card, which problems arise when memorizing will automatically repeat.

If you use the app for learning languages, you can take the words from Quizlet, it can be useful if you have no desire to create patterns on their own. Not less useful would be a function of TTS to convert text to voice.


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v2.6.0  Original

11.11.2015 - Changes not specified.

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