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Dwarf Journey

Dwarf Journey

& lt;p & gt;Dwarf Journey - one look into the eyes of perdition forced the powerful and wisest warrior Gallar to find a method to enjoy the joys of life forever, regardless of bad or good circumstances. In the old scriptures, it is stated that there is a cave in the Plain of Eternity, where an ancient relic is stored, which is able to give those who find it an endless life. Collect various materials for further development and fight monsters or difficult bosses with the most powerful equipment. Challenge strategies and find solutions on the go!

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Requirements tov1.12

  • OS version: iOS 10.3+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 345 Мб

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v1.12  Original

12.09.2021 - Changes not specified.

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v1.11   Original

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