Available in English

Dragon Stones

Dragon Stones
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    10 февраля 2016

Probably many players easily remember released a few years ago Airworld adventure game follows the adventures of a boy in the air Islands, and about his friendship with the dragons. The ultimate goal of the game was collecting all the rocks from the Sun Amulet to solve the mystery of the Dragon island. And this as usual had to make a huge number of quests and missions. Despite considerable attention from the players, the project sunk into Oblivion. But after some time, the Studio Buratino Labs has released a remake called Dragon Stones .
Dragon Stones - preserved main advantages of the original, great graphics, familiar characters, exciting plot, full support for Russian language. Received more quests, heroes, buildings and other extras.

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v1.04  Original

10.02.2016 - Changes not specified.

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