Donut County

Android, iOS
Puzzle Games
Update date
11 декабря 2020
Tired of the same type of game and you wanted something new? Along with the game The Legend of Bum-Bo you will have the opportunity to look at the new world, drawn on cardboard! Bambas lived well: he had a trash and coin. But a bad guy stole the coin and jumped into the sewer, where it suffered a lot of monsters. Collect the strips of items to attack and defeat. Don't forget that you only have 3 heart by the end of each battle, the complexity of which increases each time. First will be the easy enemies, but over time you will see a lot of ugly bosses. Feature of the game is its graphics, animations and sound effects.
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 2 users
Requirements tov1.1.0
- OS version: Android 6.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 45 Mb
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