Available in English


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  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    25 декабря 2016

Dexodonex - a unique puzzle game with simple but extremely fun game mechanic. Gameplay, at first glance, may seem rather primitive, your task is to close all the cells on a hexagonal playing field, consistently moving around the elements, but it should be remembered that pass along the same path only once, and given the extensive system of cells to make the optimal path will not easy, so every move must be thought out with an eye to the future.
it is also worth noting the original graphics and overall performance Dexodonex made in the style of steampunk, and that includes the sound module. All this combined with an impressive set of levels without a doubt will attract the fans to break brains.

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v1.0.0.9  Original

25.12.2016 - Changes not specified.

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