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Critter Escape

Critter Escape
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    19 августа 2012

Critter Escape - the essence of the game is to help little creature get out of the maze. Swipe your finger across the screen indicating the route and the creature will follow it.
Backstory: Lived a creature that loved to run across the field and long hours to admire flying butterflies playing he always tried to catch her. But one day, not the best for our hero, he was caught and placed in a bag. It was the evil scientist who decided to carry out his cruel experiments on our new friend. The deprivation of liberty of course did not like the creature and he decided to escape, but the exit from the lab is through the elaborate maze, help him find a way out and become free again and happy.

Russian language: unknown

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v3.2  Original. Original

19.08.2012 - Changes not specified.

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