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Cookie Run: OvenBreak

Cookie Run: OvenBreak
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    06 октября 2016

Cookie Run: OvenBreak - dynamic horizontal runner with a famous man - the carrot in the lead role. As with all games of this genre the plot is quite superficial, all that is known is that you need to save his friends from baking. Game mechanics are also simple, driving a hero with only two buttons you need to overcome location and collect all sorts of prizes and bonuses. The developers have implemented a rather interesting system the existence of a hero in a collision with an obstacle man will lose a part of life in the long run and some jumping, your character will get tired and the recuperation will need to collect different bonuses. Cookie Run: OvenBreak quite harmoniously combine colorful graphics, excellent soundtrack and dynamic gameplay.

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Requirements tov7.002

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 150 Mb

Download gameCookie Run: OvenBreak

v7.002  Original

26.11.2020 1. Meet Popping Candy Cookie & Angel Lightstick
Run with the main vocal of the hit idol group, Cake Pops!

2. Friendly Run Returns
Run with friends & get a Lobby Design and Music Track!

3. New Feature: Music Box
Collect Music Tracks & change your Lobby's background music!

4. New Costumes
Macaron, Marshmallow, and Rockstar Cookie get new Costumes!

5. New Guild Run Season
Enjoy a Snow Party with your Guildmates!

6. New Treasure: Pop Pop Photocards
Run & find photocards featuring the Cake Pops!

Votes: 0

v1.15  Original

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