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Calc+ Powerful calculator

Calc+ Powerful calculator
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    24 декабря 2014

Calc+ Powerful calculator - at the moment it is one of the most powerful calculators created for android. It is easy to use and has a beautiful style. Also, you can customize it by changing the color theme and transforming the appearance of your calculator. He is able to perform the most complex functions. And you will easily be able to share the calculation with your friend or keep it in the app.


Calculate numbers with operators and display each calculation on one line
Reuse the previous result for continuing to calculate
The allow editing numbers and operators when you input incorrect them at any position
Automatic updating of the calculation result depending on editing numbers or characters
The ability to easily share the history of computing with a friend, or keep it in the app for notes
Save a history of calculations for later use
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v1.2.3  Original

24.12.2014 - Changes not specified.

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