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Biker Mice: Mars Attack!

Biker Mice: Mars Attack!
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    23 сентября 2016

Biker Mice from Mars is an American animated series of the early 90-ies, which tells about a group of mice - bikers forced to leave their native Mars in consequence of the defeat in the war against plutarkians. But during the flight, our heroes crash land and were forced to land on our planet, in the city of Chicago. Where they meet a girl-a mechanic and settle in her garage. But soon plutarkians make an attack on the Earth, in order to use its resources for their own purposes, from this moment begins the development of the plot.
Biker Mice: Mars Attack! - step-by-step strategy based on the cartoon, the plot of the game is kind of a prequel to the original story. Game mechanics done in a familiar genre form. So Biker Mice: Mars Attack! please not only fans of the cartoon, but all fans of turn-based strategy.

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v1.9  Original

23.09.2016 - Changes not specified.

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