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Beat The Workers

Beat The Workers
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  • Update date

    07 марта 2021

& lt;p & gt; Tap the music beats and build a huge number of old buildings in different cities around the world. Protect yourself from robots that want to destroy your buildings. Improve your musical abilities: listen to popular music by ear, while closing your eyes. There are no more architects like you, so set tasks for the robot assistants as correctly as possible and help them. If this game seems too easy, will you be able to get 196 medals for 64 levels, as well as fight the main boss?

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Requirements tov1.0.1

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 45 Mb

Download gameBeat The Workers

v1.0.1  Original

6.03.2021 - Changes not specified.

Cache for Beat Workers: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/fr.naturalpad.beatworkers/
- install apk, launch the game!


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