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Baseball Highlights 2045

Baseball Highlights 2045
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    09 февраля 2017

Baseball Highlights 2045 - Android version of the popular collectible card game the Creator of which became Mike Fitzgerald in conjunction with the Studio Eagle-Gryphon Games. The original version of the game sold an enviable circulation and as a consequence was later released digitally on most gaming platforms including mobile. The main different from most representatives of the genre is that the creators decided to depart from the usual RPG plots and to pay attention to the story an entirely different direction.
the Story of Baseball Highlights 2045 develops in the future, in the days when American football took place in the main sports, but baseball fans continued to believe that their favorite sport will once again take the lead. Your task is to achieve a return of baseball to leading positions. Gameplay is made in the classic CCG style.

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v1.10.4  Original

9.02.2017 - Changes not specified.

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