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Automatic Dark Theme for Android 10

Automatic Dark Theme for Android 10
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    30 мая 2020

Automatic Dark Theme for Android 10 is an app that automatically switches dark and light themes device depending on the time of day or a certain time interval configurable by the user. Apply various simple settings on your Android 10 and enjoy timely and fully automated theme changing without your participation. Thus do not worry about high energy costs and poor condition of the battery. The app is safe and is lightweight at boot that allows you to use the phone without interruptions and disruptions.

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Requirements tov1.3.0

  • OS version: Android 1.5+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 2 Mb

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v1.3.0  Original

30.05.2020 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

Tags #desktop

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