Available in English

Angry Birds Transformers

Angry Birds Transformers

Angry Birds Transformers - new, but no worse epic about "angry birds"! This time the main theme of steel transformers. Meet the forces of good and the Autobots in the form of birds, and their eternal enemies - the Decepticons in the role of pigs in exciting and amazing battles on Swindon the Island. The unique abilities of the old heroes in a new guise, the firepower of the robots, transformation and upgrading, helpers and ghosts a unique opportunity TELEPODS - scan and relive the heroes!

Compatible: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPhone 5.

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Requirements tov1.33.11

  • OS version: iOS 7.0+
  • Requires free space: 348.01 Mb
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch, iphone 5

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v1.33.11  Original

29.01.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v1.6.28  Original

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