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5360F - Part 1

5360F - Part 1
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    31 августа 2017

5360F - roleplay storyline which began to develop over two hundred years ago. As a result of global war almost the entire population of the planet was destroyed, but a small part specially trained people were able to survive and not only. Is a small part of the survivors decided to create a military Alliance and usuality on his shoulders to care for the recovering society. You play the role of a man occupying a low position in the Alliance, but everything is in your hands and according to the classics of the genre, you will not only try to take a high rank in the Alliance, but also lead to all the newly minted government. 5360F - Part 1 - first part of the Saga consisting of three chapters, which will be held in the near future.

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v1.0.0  Original

31.08.2017 - Changes not specified.

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